Formo uses webhooks to notify your application about form events in real-time. You can subscribe to different event types and receive notifications when forms are submitted or updated.

Finding Your Form ID

Before setting up webhooks, you’ll need your Form ID. To locate it:

  1. Click on the form you want to track
  2. Navigate to Settings
  3. Select General from the sidebar
  4. Find and copy your Form ID from the displayed information

Available Webhook Events

  • FORM_SUBMISSION: Triggered when a user submits a form
  • FORM_UPDATED: Triggered when a form is updated

Managing Webhooks

Creating Webhooks

To create a new webhook subscription, use the Subscribe to Webhook endpoint.

Listing Webhooks

To view all your webhook subscriptions for a form, use the List Webhooks endpoint.

Removing Webhooks

To remove a webhook subscription, use the Unsubscribe from Webhook endpoint.

Event Payload

When an event occurs, Formo will send a POST request to your webhook URL with the following payload structure:

	"formId": "string",
	"formTitle": "string",
	"submissionId": "string",
	"submittedAt": "string"
	// Form field data with transformed values

Best Practices

  1. Verify Requests: Always validate that requests are coming from Formo by checking the API key
  2. Handle Retries: Implement retry logic in case your endpoint is temporarily unavailable
  3. Process Asynchronously: Handle webhook events asynchronously to prevent timeouts
  4. Monitor Events: Keep track of webhook delivery status for debugging