Build engaging web3 experiences by integrating Formo with your workflow. Use the Forms API to programmatically create and manage token-gated forms and responses.

API Capabilities

Token-Gated Forms

  • Create and customize token-gated forms
  • Set wallet verification requirements
  • Manage form access controls
  • Handle form submissions

Dapp Analytics & Wallet Intelligence

Coming soon.

Base URL

All API requests should be made to:


API requests require a Workspace API key in the request headers. Find your API key in your workspace settings.

x-api-key: your_workspace_api_key

See our Authentication Guide for detailed setup instructions and best practices.

Response Format

All API responses follow this structure:

  "isSuccess": boolean,
  "data": object | null,
  "message": string | null,
  "error": object | null


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